Thursday, October 06, 2005


So far, I tried the recipe of
1) Bread pudding by-MY.
2) Cheese tart-I have yet to post the recipe up
3) Rock bun -I have yet to post the recipe up

Bread pudding-very nice!Don't put too much sugar,coz the apricot tat i bought was soaked in sugar water I think,so,it's very sweet.Too sweet.But easy to make and nice to eat.Recommended!

Cheese tart-the pastry came out from the mould by itself!(MY will know wat I'm talking bout coz we had problems with it the last time).Meaning, I have a good oven,I think.Reliable temperature.(ANDDD...i didn't use mixer yknow.I used a spoon and fork all the way)

Rock Bun-mentioned in my blog,comments of the shape,tat's all.But,it taste great.Crunchier than my last bake.The margarine used is important.I use 'original'butter-fatty ones.

Ppl..pls post more recipes up ya.I'm in baking mood this weekend.


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